Critique of US Space Force Doctrine
Raw thoughts on a document that will shape our system among stars. One of many
Hopefully, John Raymond means it when, in the foreword, he says “Given the nascent state of spacepower theory, military space forces are encouraged to read, critique, debate, and improve upon the ideas that follow.”
Because right in the preface, the context is set for those reading to believe that “our potential adversaries’” actions have significantly increased the likelihood of warfare in the space domain. The claim is followed by a statement that only military force can provide security and defense. Finally, peace and prosperity for free people, not all people, just free people in every corner of the world, must be protected from those who would wish to harm them.
Are we a global power? What needs to happen for us to become a global peacekeeper? Is there any other way to secure peaceful use of space than to be the stick-carrying power deciding which people are free and which aren’t?